Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Week 13

How Far Along? 13 weeks (Second Trimester!!!! Wooo!)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: + 4 lbs. 

Baby Related Purchases: My thoughtful sister-in-law, Leslie, gave me Burts Bees Mama Belly Butter yesterday to prevent stretch marks! I'm looking forward to using it!

Also, my dad bought an adorable onesie for Baby Ward from the George W. Bush Presidential library. We could have a future President of the United States! Who knows? :-)

Stretch marks? Not yet! Looking forward to preventing them with the belly butter :-) However, I've started feeling more stretching this week. At first it felt like the beginning of mild cramps, but after talking with our wonderful Nurse Practitioner he told me it was probably "Round Ligament Stretching", which is very common, especially in the second trimester! 

Sleep: I'm still having crazy dreams, but I feel like I'm getting better sleep. This weekend was particularly restful, as we went to Atlanta. Its weird how you sometimes sleep better in a different environment! 

Movement: Not yet! 

What I miss:  I miss being able to keep up my energy to do more than one big thing a day. :-( If I have to do more than one big activity, I have to rest between things. I'm more than happy to take care of myself and Baby Ward, its just a challenge getting used to a slower pace of life. 

Cravings: Anything lemon! (besides lemons by themselves, of course!). I've been craving lemonade recently, and the more tart, the better! My favorite beverage right now is San Pelligrino Lemon Sparkling Water. The carbonation helps with any pre-meal nausea and the lemon flavor just tastes so good!

Maybe it was because we were in Atlanta, but I really craved onion rings from the Varsity yesterday! We, of course, paid a visit to the Atlanta tradition and I enjoyed it immensely! What is up with me craving fried onions?

Anything making you queasy or sick: Brushing my teeth still makes me gag, so I've been rushing to get that done and then using mouthwash to make up for the lack of thoroughness.

Also, my sense of smell has noticeably heightened recently. Certain smells just make me want to gag! 

Gender: We'll see! Only a few more weeks before we can find out!  

Labor Signs: None! 

Symptoms: Fatigue, Vivid Dreams, Heightened Sense of Smell, Stretching (beginnings of Round Ligament Pain)

Belly Button In or Out? In

Happy or Moody most of the time: It was a rough week, so probably more moody. 

Worries: Every time I feel stretching or slight discomfort, I can't help but wonder if everything is still okay. I was serious when I said I would get an ultrasound every day just to make sure the baby is doing well!

Best moments this week: Although it was very bittersweet, I enjoyed our trip to Atlanta last weekend. It was so good to spend time with Donna Maye and my immediate family. It was a very restful trip. Much needed. 


  1. So happy for you!!! Satisfy the lemon craving with some Chick-Fil-A lemonade! Lol

    1. Thanks so much, Hannah! I've been enjoying your blog with all of your Chick fil A adventures! So fun! Yes, I have been indulging in Chick fil A lemonade! :)
