Friday, March 21, 2014

Week 11

How Far Along? 11 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: + 3 lbs.

Baby Related Purchases: This week has been so crazy, we haven't been shopping at all. Besides large purchases (such as furniture, stroller, car seat, etc.) we're probably going to hold off on buying things until we know the gender!

Stretch marks? No

Sleep: Last night, I slept pretty well. I've still been having really crazy, intense dreams. For the most part this week, unfortunately, I haven't slept well. I'm waking up at least once in the very early morning. Austin has had some really early mornings this week so I've woken up when he has, then had a hard time falling back asleep. As a result of all of this, I've been extra tired and feel gross when I wake up. 

Movement: None

What I miss: Having a good night's sleep :-( 

Cravings: I had my first intense craving on Wednesday! Up until this point, I've just been in the mood for certain kinds of food- it was never a "must have this NOW!" feeling. I was sitting in choir and suddenly all I wanted to eat was buffalo wings!! Ha! I eat wings maybe once or twice a year, and anytime we go to Buffalo Wild Wings it is Austin's idea. Not this time!

Chick-fil-A is a pretty regular part of our lives. Since I've been pregnant, however, all I've wanted is the original chicken sandwich with extra pickles! There is something about pickles and being pregnant! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I made a lasagna last night and browning the meat made me feel really queasy. I don't know if it was the smell or looking at the raw meat, but it was rough. Also, I still feel nauseated before each meal, especially if its been a few hours since I've eaten. 

Gender: We'll see! 

Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: Crazy dreams, restlessness, extreme tiredness

Belly Button In or Out? In

Happy or Moody most of the time: Because I've been extra tired, I feel like I've been on edge, but I don't think I've been moody. 

Worries: I just hope that Baby Ward is developing and is healthy! If I could have an ultrasound every day to check on the baby, I would! I also worry that I'm eating healthy enough to provide the baby with good nutrition.

Best moments this week: Austin and I have been able to enjoy some quiet evenings at home this week. Even though making the lasagna made me feel sick, I was glad to make a home-cooked meal for Austin after so many evenings of take-out.

It was also great to return to choir practice on Wednesday! We sang through the Easter music and it was such a time of worship for me! 

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