To celebrate two years of life together, we went to Nashville the weekend of November 17-18 (since we were originally planning to leave for Chicago on our actual anniversary). We combined the anniversary festivities with hanging out with Austin's family in Dickson, so it was a fun, relaxing weekend.
That Saturday we took our time getting ready and made it to Nashville in time for lunch at Tazikis on West End! Anytime we're in Nashville or Birmingham, we make a point to stop there because it is so delicious! For anyone who loves Greek or Mediterranean cuisine, go there! After lunch, we went to a movie and then went back to West End to eat dinner at Maggianos! It is such a wonderful Italian restaurant and the setting was perfect for an anniversary dinner!
They have a special going on (which we HIGHLY recommend) where you can get a dinner for 2 for $40. It includes: an appetizer (or two salads), 2 traditional pasta entrees, 2 traditional entrees to take home for the next day (aghh so good!) and a dessert. Totally worth it!
Our waiter was awesome and when he found out we were celebrating our anniversary, he brought out our delicious strawberry cheesecake with two candles on top :-)
Following dinner, we went to the Opryland Hotel to look at the lights! We received the practical advice to park at Cracker Barrel and walk across to the hotel so we didn't have to pay the $20 parking fee, but due to an intense workout I had done two days before, my legs were really sore, so we paid the fee! Haha!
Anyway, the decorations were so beautiful! The Opryland Hotel is already a romantic place to go, but the Christmas lights add a special touch. It was so fun to walk around, taking in all the sights and talking. It felt like we were the only people there! I took these pictures with Austin's phone, so please excuse the quality!
Austin and I danced under this pavilion while he sang our song :-) So romantic! Pretty sure people were taking pictures of us and thought we were about to get engaged. A couple did actually get engaged a few minutes later under this same pavilion!
It was a wonderful two-year anniversary celebration in Nashville! On the day of our actual anniversary, Austin presented me with a bouquet of yellow roses (in a vase), a bag of peppermint chocolate Ghirradelli chocolates, a card and a little box all arranged beautifully on our big pewter tray! I didn't even think to take pictures of any of this, whoops! I'm sure you're wondering what was in the box- a sweet sterling silver heart shaped ring with "a + e" engraved on top! I LOVE IT!!! More importantly, I love the one who gave it to me and what it represents :-)
Since the traditional second anniversary gift is cotton, I got Austin some long johns- haha! I also got him a really nice hollow book/box that has an antique map on the outside. Nothing too sentimental- just fun!
Bring on Year 3! Can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for us!