Monday, March 17, 2014

Week 10

This is the first of the weekly update posts! I will be answering this same set of questions leading up to Baby Ward's arrival! Several of my friends with babies have done this and I think it is a really fun way to record what's going on.

I'm going to try to post towards the end of each week about the week before. I've done posts for Weeks 8 and 9 so be looking for those in a few days!

How Far Along? 10 weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: + 3 lbs.

Baby Related Purchases: Last night, Austin and I went to Target and really explored the baby section for the first time! Living in a smaller town, we inevitably run into someone we know, but now that our news is public we have the freedom to go to any baby store anywhere! We looked at strollers, car seats, pack-n-plays, high chairs and cribs. It was so fun to see what the options are and to begin to get a feel for what we both like!

We couldn't leave without purchasing something for Baby Ward! This was the first item we have bought for our baby :-) Since we don't know the gender yet, we got a pack of two yellow ducky hooded towels. They are so cute! Austin had no idea what a hooded towel was- I remember using them as a toddler and loving them because they were so soft!

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I couldn't resist looking through the maternity section and found a super comfy, really cute jersey knit black dress that will work even into the cooler months. I'm in that awkward time where my clothes are starting to fit differently so having something comfortable, cute and flattering is very exciting! 

Stretch marks? No

Sleep: Two new things to report this week! I've been having the wildest, craziest dreams! I wake up feeling like I've run a mental marathon. Unfortunately, I don't remember any of them- just that they were weird! Also, I've been getting up at least once in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, which is something that is not normal for me! 

Movement: None

What I miss: Having energy! I don't consider myself the most active person, but at least if I wanted to go run or exercise I could do it. Now, I feel like its all I can do to complete my daily activities and fall into bed at the end of each day! 

Cravings: Last night, I really craved Red Lobster! I wanted Lobster Bisque and Cheddar Bay biscuits so badly! I'm so thankful for a husband who sacrifices his preferences to let me enjoy what sounds good! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: I've been feeling nauseated before all meals now, which didn't used to be the case. I think its because I've been getting really empty between meals, because after I eat, I feel fine! I bought some granola bars and fruit to munch on when I start feeling hungry.  

Gender: We'll see! The most frequently asked question I've received so far (besides when I'm due) is if we're going to find out the gender! The answer is a definite yes! I'm a planner and am ready to know the gender already so I can start buying things! 

Labor Signs: No

Symptoms: Nausea before meals, Fatigue, Vivid Dreams

Belly Button In or Out? In

Happy or Moody most of the time: I've had my moments this week, but I've been pretty happy! 

Worries: The closer I get to completing my first trimester, the less worried I become about losing the baby. My main concern right now is making sure I'm eating enough and that I have a healthy, balanced diet! The baby is now really dependent on me for nutrition so I want to be sure I'm providing! Its a hard balance when I'm still particular about what sounds like it will taste good! 

Best moments this week: The week began with a day trip to Paducah to share our news with my Mom, stepdad, grandparents and extended family! It was such a joyful day and so special! There is just something about telling your mom :-) I cried a lot more than I thought I would :-)

On Saturday, Austin and I met his parents about halfway between Jackson and Dickson to drop off the pick up truck Austin's dad let us borrow until we bought our new car. We had a lovely lunch with Austin's mom at the Log Cabin Restaurant. It was so good to catch up.

Saturday night, we enjoyed a double dinner date with the Mayfields to Outback! I received an Outback gift card for my birthday and it was fun using it! I haven't felt like eating out in the evening over the past few weeks, so it was nice to go out. After dinner, we hung out at our house and played the Headband game!

Sunday was dreary and rainy but gave Austin and me the perfect opportunity to catch up on rest and spend some quality time together! That evening, we went to Target, which was super fun! 

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